Not sure why dad doesn't like his birthdays so much. I actually think that they are a pretty cool thing, specially after all the fun I had today.
As starters, I got plenty of cuddles and kisses in the morning and then we went for a nice walk around the area where we live... had a nice lunch and then.. off I went for a nice siesta.
There was a big "Happy Birthday" banner hanging on the window and plenty of balloons to kick and throw around.
I really liked my presents and particularly enjoy playing with my new friend Elmo. He is going to show me everything about hugs !
Because I haven't told you yet, but my suspicions proved to be more than right and I got really special visitors: el abuelo y la abuela !!! We are having a lot of fun together these days but I have to say that I am very happy to have them here for my birthday. I can't think of a better present !!!
Well, guys, I leave you now because I am pretty tired after such an exciting day. I will go now to bed so that I can dream of my cake, my friend Elmo, the music, the balloons...
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