The trip already started strong with a ride on the Turbojet Ferry. And no wonder the call it TURBOJET ! after 50 minutes riding waves we made it to
Macau and it really felt like we were veeeeery faaaaar away.

An old Portuguese colony till 1999 it still keeps all the European flare and you can find everywhere beatiful houses painted in funny colours, names of streets in Portuguese, the traditional pasteis de nata and, of course, plenty of igrejas.
I still can't believe that mom and dad bought 12 pasteis de nata and didn't let me try any!... but that's a different story :-)

The main square "Largo do Senado" is a really nice place and was full of Christmas decoration and tourists.
Again, I found myself becoming the center of attraction and suddenly I was surrounded by 4 nice ladies who wanted to take a picture with me and said that I was really cute :-) I think I am going to start asking for a $ every time somebody takes a picture of me.... cute as I am I think that by the time I am 18 years old I will have plenty of bucks to buy my own car !

We spent a great day in Macau but by the end of the day I was really tired so my parents strolled me up to the Ruinas de San Pablo, a very pretty facade of an old cathedral and then we headed back to the ferry. Let me just say that this cathedral place was really really crowded. Not sure how things are seen when you are a bit taller but when you are just sitting down... it is a bit intimidating.
However, the way back to Hong Kong was real fun ! we had a very rough sea and the Turbojet was more Turbojet than ever and we were literally jumping over the waves. I really enjoyed the trip a lot but I have the feeling that my parents didn't like it that much because the looked a bit green. What a couple of Sissys ! I think if I ever go to Disneyland I will take my oma with me so that we can ride the roller coaster together :-)
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