Then I was really surprised when I saw them taking a couple of big boxes from the storage room so they told me that, actually, Christmas is not a person... but a very special time of the year when you decorate the house, have nice dinners with the family and go to church to pray to the "Niño Jesus" and sing "Stille Nacht".
Christmas decoration is very cool and, even though I am not allowed to play with the candles, the house looks very pretty. Every Sunday we lighten one of the candles of the Adventskranz and we spend some time seating together at the sofa with the candles on while we listen to nice villancicos. I really like that and dad told me that it is called "Stade Zeit" ... maybe he has made that up so that I stay quiet and don't mess around?
The house smelled really well and, though I could not try the cokkies because right now I only have one and a half teeth, I think they are very good because dad was very very happy when he saw them and quite often I catch him sneaking into the kitchen to open the buiscuit can.
So, Christmas is a very cool time of the year and now I just look forward to having a chance to celebrate it with el abuelo, la abuela, oma, opa, el tio Iñaki y la tia Susi, tio Klaus y tia Jessi, el primito Marcel, Herbert.... yo creo que el año que viene ! Mientras tanto, mom and dad said that this year we are going to celebrate it at the beach in Hainan and will also go to Hong Kong for New Year's Eve. Will keep you posted !
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