Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy 2010 !!!

I really had high expectations on New Year's Eve and, after what I have experienced tonight... I am certainly not dissapointed.

Already in the afternoon many things were going on at the pier right under our hotel window in preparation for the BIG celebration. It is a very good place because there are first line views on Hong Kong island so people started taking positions very early to see the fireworks.

I was very tired after a very busy day of sightseeing (I thought being a baby was the toughest thing but now I know that being a tourist is also very hard!) so I went to sleep early while my parents enjoyed a nice New Year's Eve dinner by the window overlooking the famous skyline. Well.... not everything is going to be about changing diapers... they also need their romantic moments !

As I am a very disciplined-half-German baby I woke up at 11.45 sharp to get ready for the countdown. It was totally worth it. The video says it all but I will just add that New Year's Eve is very special here in Hong Kong. The fireworks are very pretty but what really impressed me was to see all the people counting down and cheering while hundreds of boats honked at the bay and the lights of the buildings went on.

2009... my first year of life has been full of great experiences and I know that 2010 is just going to be even better. Certainly, I can't think of a better start.

And... tomorrow... I will wake up very early to celebrate New Year's Eve with my abuelitos and opas ! I think I really like this globalization thing.....

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

First impressions about Hong Kong

This morning we arrived in Hong Kong quite early so, after checking into the hotel and getting a change of diaper... off we went to stroll around the city.

I don't think that Hong Kong is a particularly nice place but there is something about it that I like a lot. There loads of people on the street and many shops with shiny and beautifuls windows. I guess it is just because there is so much action everywhere... as if the city never stopped.

Maybe it is because I have just been one full week quietly at the beach but I think this place is kind of crazy ! (and it is not only because they drive on the left side of the road)

One thing that I really liked is that when, it started getting dark... the whole street was filled with lights. It is a bit like an open air disco (not that I have been to many) because of all the neon sign posts and advertisements on the streets.

Actually I am very happy to see that people in Hong Kong like lights so much because, thanks to that, we have can enjoy the best of views at night from the hotel.

We are located right at the waterfront in Kowloon island so from our room we have veeeery nice views of Hong Kong island and that "skyline" I told you about yesterday. I have to say that dad was absolutely right and I really love looking outside of the window. I think I am very lucky because... it is not very often that you can get a diaper change with such an impressive background !

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve and I have heard that there are very nice fireworks to welcome the new years so, if you all behave well... I will post a video :-)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Last day in Sanya

After one week of sun, beach and biiiiiig breakfasts we are ready to say bye to Sanya. We have really had a great and relaxing time and, today, we have celebrated the last day with a nice photo session so that I can show you some of my favorite corners... are you ready? follow me !

I already told you that the hotel is right next by the beach and here you have me sitting at the garden that leads to the sea. It is a really nice spot, so green and open with the blue of the sea at the end...

I think next time we come by I will be old enough to play football with my daddy in this wonderful grass !

And this is the pool. Yesterday you saw me swimming in the spa area with my friend Alisa but, today, I went with mom to discover the rest.

It is a really big pool, with bridges and even waterfalls ! but what I like the most are the bonsais and the pink flowers.

I am sure my oma is going to like this picture a lot because I think this is one of her favorite flowers !

Last but not least.. welcome to the breakfast patio !

The food is really good and these days I have enjoyed a lot the buffet... specially because I have discovered a lot of new foodies: sweet potatoes, lotus with sesame seeds,... even dumplings with mushrooms !

Here you have me posing at the "coconut table" where every morning a guy with a very big knife cuts fresh coconuts so that people can drink the juice with a straw. Impressive, uh? I better don't get used to this because I won't be getting many of these in Shanghai !

Now I am going to bed because tomorrow is a BIG day. Yes, we are flying to Hong Kong where we will be spending New Year's Eve. Dad has told me many nice things about the city and about the high buildings (I think they call it "skyline") so I am looking forward to it. More to come !

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Today I want to introduce you to some of my new friends.

Rita is a very nice girl who works at the breakfast restaurant of the hotel. She is very good also with other kids but I think she likes me most because she brings me toys and napkins, and she also strokes my face while she smiles a lot.

She told me that she has a brother with my same age so maybe one day she can bring him over and we can play together.

I like going down for breakfast every morning because I know Rita is going to be around and... she is not only kind... as you can see she is also very pretty !

And this is Alisa.

She is only 7 months old but she swims very well and we have a lot of fun playing at the pool with our matching floats.

The hotel has very nice pools but this is the one Alisa and I like the most because it is warmer than the others and has a lot of bubbles. I think they call it the "spa pool". Not sure what that means but it is very nice.

So, what do you think about Alisa's swimming glasses? I think I should ask dad to get me a pair like that !

Playing at the beach I can also make a lot of friends.

Is not as easy as in the pool because most of the time I am staying under the shadow playing with my toy but, sometimes, I manage to sneak out and go for a round to talk to people.

Everybody is so happy when I pop by ! I think Chinese people really like small kids and, of course, it also helps if you are a cutie like me :-)

Oups, I think I shouldn't say that :-)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

All I want for Christmas...

I know it is not a very typical way of spending Christmas as we know it in Europe but, still, ... I am having a blast.

We arrived in Hainan last Wednesday and then took a cab to Sanya, where our hotel is. We arrived a bit late so it was all dark when we made it to the hotel and I couldn't see much because, by then, I was ready for my crib.

But then, in the morning, when dad opened the curtains of the room, I saw why they call this place "the Hawai of China."

Our hotel is just in front of a beautiful long beach with white sand and turquoise water. Here you have a picture of us at the balcony of the main reception. Right now we have around 25 degrees... and not a single cloud !

So it will be no surprise to you that I try and get up really early every morning to go for a nice walk on the beach, right? Mom and dad are not that crazy about it (I would even say that they are a but cranky) but then the three of us have a lot of fun because the beach is really all ours.

Ah ! nearly forgot to say that these days I have also found a new hobby... playing with the sand !

I had never done it before and have to say that it is a lot of fun, and not only because I got new toys.... but also because daddy sits right next to me and we both make figures of sand.

Well, let's say that he makes the figures and I, of course, distroy them. Isn't it fun?

So yes, is true that we are not having snow... or christmas carrols in church... or glühwein at the Christkindlesmarkt don't you think... this will be China and I may be at the beach but, I have been such a good boy this year... that Santa came all the way here just to see me and give me a present :-)

Friday, December 25, 2009

What a Sunday !

Guys, I know I owe you a post about our last Sunday in Beijing. And I am not going to leave it any longer because.... what a Sunday !

Mike came to pick us up to the hotel with the car and took us to the Temple of Heaven (天坛). It is a beautiful building where the emperor used to come every year to pray for good harvest. Looks like that was very important, specially at the time, because dad told me that many years ago it was not like it is today and you couldn't just go to the supermarket to get food... at the time people had to work hard in the fields and, if the weather was good... then everybody could eat a lot. That's why the emperor came here to the temple, to make sure that people would have things to eat.

But that is not the only nice thing about the Temple of Heaven. The building is surrounded by a very nice park (Mike told us that the place is 3 times as big as the Forbidden city!) and I can tell you that it was a crowded place indeed ! People in China really spend a lot of time outdoors... practicing tai chi... dancing with abanicos.... doing ball room dances... and I also saw them playing
something very cool... a group of people gets in a circle and they kick something from one to another. I didn't know what it was at first and then I saw that it was like a bunch of feathers with a weigth that made a real funny noice. Mom bought one of those for me so I think I am going to start playing as soon as I can walk !

Ah ! I haven't told you yet but Mike is a friend of Jerry, our tour guide in Hangzhou... and he is also very nice !

From there Mike took us to a very special place.... 1 hour away from Beijing we arrived to Mutianyu (慕田峪). And... what is special about Mutianyu? The Great Wall ! I had heard mom and dad talk about it for a couple of days already and, honestly, I did not understand what could be that nice about a wall ! and then... I saw it.

Is not because I am a baby but you really feel very small when you are at the Great Wall..... it goes on and on veeeeeery faaaaar away... as if it was never going to stop. Up the mountains, down the hills and with many steep stairs. Can't tell you how happy I was that dad was carrying me all the way ! In the end, even I got tired of seeing so many stairs so, of course, I had to go for a nap :-) I really enjoyed the time at the Great Wall, specially when I woke up, and the sun was going down with an orange light.

As you can see we really enjoyed our time in Beijing and I am looking forward to come back again for another weekend. Well... maybe next time won't be that cold and I don't have to wear so many trillions of jumpers and scarves :-) And, if I am lucky, maybe oma and opa or el abuelo and la abuela are with us and I can show them around !

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A little emperor in Beijing

Last week dad had to go to Beijing for work so, as I missed him very much, mom and I joined him there to spend the weekend touring the city.

Now it is only Saturday evening and we have already done a lot of nice things. When mom and dad finished dressing me with what it felt like a million jumpers and scarves... we left the hotel and started our tour in a very big square: Tiananmen square (天安门广场).

It is very funny because, as soon as we left the taxi, I realized that I had seen that place before... on telly! It was the 60th anniversary of the Republic of China and there were many people marching down the street. I recognized it because of the portrait of the guy hanging from a very big building. Must have been a very famous guy because today there were a lot of people taking pictures of him.

Here you can see a picture of the main building @ the square with a nice couple who came over to visit from the provinces. I really liked the square but, as it was soooo cold (-10 degrees)... I made myself comfy in the stroller and went for a nap (after all, they were not all that wrong about the million jumpers and scarves!).

When I woke up I did it in a beautiful place.... I was in the middle of another big square surrounded by red buildings and a very nice and high red house. The roof had many bright colors and I think I have never seen something as beautiful as that (besides my mom, of course :-)

The place is called the Forbidden city and many Chinese kings and princesses have lived here for many years. I just was very curious about the name...maybe another child lived here at one point and they also forbid him to touch many things... like me. In any case, I was very happy to be there and had my breakfast right next to a very nice and big lion. He didn't look very friendly but, hey, I am a tough guy so I was not afraid at all.

After that we went for lunch to a very special restaurant where they cooked food the imperial way. Not that I could try it much but I also had my papilla the imperial way... seating on a golden throne ! Isn't it nice? after all... I am the little emperor at home so... couldn't expect less :-)

Now I am very tired because we have done a lot of things so I am going to put on my PJs, drink my bottle and go to dream of all those princesses and lions that lived in beautiful palaces. Tomorrow will be another day... the Great Wall awaits !

Beijing is a very big city. Not as big as Shanghai, but still... 20 million people live here !!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas is coming to Dongxiu Lu

I have been hearing for a while that Christmas is coming. I was not very sure who that was because it is the first time I heard that name but I thought it must be a very special friend because mom and dad were very excited.

Then I was really surprised when I saw them taking a couple of big boxes from the storage room so they told me that, actually, Christmas is not a person... but a very special time of the year when you decorate the house, have nice dinners with the family and go to church to pray to the "Niño Jesus" and sing "Stille Nacht".

Christmas decoration is very cool and, even though I am not allowed to play with the candles, the house looks very pretty. Every Sunday we lighten one of the candles of the Adventskranz and we spend some time seating together at the sofa with the candles on while we listen to nice villancicos. I really like that and dad told me that it is called "Stade Zeit" ... maybe he has made that up so that I stay quiet and don't mess around?

Another thing I really like is "Pletzchen", some kind of very special german cookies that mom was baking last week. I think this is another tradition for this time of the year so I suspect that I am really going to like Christmas a lot !

The house smelled really well and, though I could not try the cokkies because right now I only have one and a half teeth, I think they are very good because dad was very very happy when he saw them and quite often I catch him sneaking into the kitchen to open the buiscuit can.

So, Christmas is a very cool time of the year and now I just look forward to having a chance to celebrate it with el abuelo, la abuela, oma, opa, el tio Iñaki y la tia Susi, tio Klaus y tia Jessi, el primito Marcel, Herbert.... yo creo que el año que viene ! Mientras tanto, mom and dad said that this year we are going to celebrate it at the beach in Hainan and will also go to Hong Kong for New Year's Eve. Will keep you posted !

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Weekend in Hangzhou (杭州)

We just returned from an amazing trip to Hangzhou, and we had such a great time that it felt like a mini-vacation more than a weekend. It is not very far from Shanghai so on Friday afternoon we took a local train and... there we went !

Our friend Jerry picked us up at the station and took us to the hotel so, as soon as we arrived, I drunk my bottle and... off to bed !

On Saturday it was a very cold day but I had with me the wool hat and scarf that auntie Susy gave me us a present in La Coruña so we just walked around the West Lake. Sooooo big !

There were a lot of tourists but most of them were Chinese. Again, I was kind of a tourist attraction because at one point I was surrounded by young girls who said I was very cute while they took pictures. Have to say I kind of enjoyed that :-)

We had a great day... and even took one of the boats at the lake that took us to a very special place... the "Three Ponds Mirroring the Moon", a landscape that is printed on the backs of the one yuan bills. So cool !

Our boat "driver" was a very nice and friendly guy because he didn't stop talking during the whole trip. I think mom enjoyed it because she could practice her Chinese.... however, I am not sure she understood everything he said because she just smiled a lot !

On Sunday, our friend Jerry picked us up at the hotel and took us for a very nice tour. He was born in Hangzhou and has lived there his whole life so he knows the place very well. First we went to the Lingyin temple and gardens. I really liked the gardens very much and, very strange... there were very high stones with many figures of the same guy. I ask Jerry who the guy was and he said "Buddha". I had never heard of him before but I think that he is very lucky because people really seemed to like him!

After the temple we went to a nearby village with tea plantations. The place was very pretty and we had some tea with a local family while I had my papilla. In any case,... one thing is clear... papa doesn't like green tea ! :-)

And then we went to a great place: the house of Hu Xueyan. Looks like he used to be a very important man who had a lot of money and also many wives (12 !). With so many people in the house he clearly needed a big house :-) The garden was also pretty nice but what I liked the most was a bird who could talk like a person and didn't stop saying "Hello" "Bye Bye" "Good morning". That was so much fun !

We spent some more time in the center of the village and then Jerry took as too the station so that we could catch the train back to Shanghai where, of course, I had a wonderful nap !

This was really a nice trip and I already look forward to coming back again. As well, Jerry told us that he has a 4 year all daughter so maybe next time I can meet her and we can be friends. Sounds like a plan !

Sunday, December 6, 2009

About my first tooth

Last days have been a bit difficult. My mouth was really hurting. I was trying not to cry too much (after all I am a tough boy) but I didn't know what was going on and couldn't help biting my finger... and everything that got on my way !

And.... finally.... the other day... I was playing with mom and when I gave her one my famous charming smiles... success ! she got very happy and congratulated me on my first tooth. What is that? and why do I need it for? she said that teeth were very important and they would help me eat many yummy things as big boys do.

I want to be a big boy but I think what I really don't like about the whole thing is the "plural" part of it... will I get many of these? well, I hope the next ones will behave better and won't hurt that much ! Papa was also very happy when he came home and I proudly showed him my "new acquisition". I have to say that being a baby is hard work but at least I like all the kisses and smiles I am getting for that :-)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Last week we had...

.. a very special visit from the Netherlands ! Aunty Tineke and uncle Fokke came to Shanghai to visit us and spent a whole week in China. I was very happy when I saw them because, even though I was very small at the time, I still remembered them from their last visit to Mount Kisco.

Having visits is great because, of course, everybody spoils me ! For example... you should have seen the amount of cheese they brought ! I had heard about French cheese but... believe me.... Dutch cheese is much better :-) They also brought a lot of boxes of what it looks like very nice chocolate. Pity that I was not allowed to try it but... I guess you can't have everything!

Anyway, we had a great week with Tineke & Fokke... and mom and dad where also so happy to see them !

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving !

Today we have celebrated my first Thanksgiving. What an important occasion !

And, as it couldn't be any different, I had a feast with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes... and even pumpkin pie ! I tried to take the whole piece but, in the end, I had to content myself with an all-in-one puree. Was so yummmmmyyyyyy !!! I think next year I will help mom cook it all :-)

Mom and dad explained that Thanksgiving is a traditional American (and also Canadian!) celebration and it is a time to give thanks for the harvest and express gratitude in general and gather with family and friends. I think I really like this celebration because it is not about costumes or presents... just about family. In any case, we have agreed that we are going to adpt the customs and celebrations of Germany, Spain and US so I think I am very lucky... so many things to celebrate !

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Me gusta La Coruña

Ya se que soy un poco vago porque llevo mas de un mes sin escribir pero... es que he estado muy ocupado viajando y... eso cansa muchisimo ! Y es que las ultimas tres semanas las he pasado en La Coruña con los abuelos, con los tios y muchos amigos a los que ya echaba de menos. Lo he pasado fenomenal dando paseos por la playa... yendo de compritas... y comiendo tortilla en La Bombilla en honor a mi papi al que echo tanto de menos :-) Mirad si han sido tres semanas productivas que hasta charlo en español por los codos ! ja ja ja

Ademas, estos dias creo que tambien he crecido mucho porque los abuelos me han cuidado fenomenal. La abuela me hacia unos pures riquiiiiiiisimos y el abuelo me daba de comer todos los dias. Tambien he ido mucho de paseo con el tio Iñaki y con la tia Susi asi que, como veis, no he tenido ni un minuto de descanso. Tambien estoy muy contento porque Rocco y yo ya nos vamos haciendo amigos.. al menos ya no me ladra y hasta compartimos mendrugo de pan !

Bueno, ahora ya estoy de nuevo en Shanghai y, aunque me da pena haberme despedido de La Coruña, tmabine estoy contento porque este domingo por fin voy a ver a papa. La verdad es que le echo mucho de menos y cuento ya las horas para poder abrazarle y que me de muchos besitos.

Os dejo por ahora pero prometo escribir antes. Muchos besos a todos !

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bye bye Thailand

Today is our last vacation day so I wanted to make a special blog post about it. I spent a lot of time at breakfast this morning thinking about all the things I wanted to tell you.

I have really enjoyed Thailand... the hotel was great, the beach, my long swims at the pool... but what I have enjoyed the most is spending so much time with mom and dad.

Now, as I look at the sea through the window while I tell mom what to write... I can only look forward to the next vacation.

But don't you think that all has been laying down and relaxing... there has been a lot of hard work involved ! I have done many things for the first time during this week:
  • Now I can crawl not only backwards... but also forward ! (quite useful when you try to reach for the webcam)
  • I have also learned how to pull myself up and stand in my crib. I was really happy about it but I don't think mom and dad appreciate this milestone that much.
And it doesn't end here.... this afternoon during a coffee break I even grabbed a croissant! Was so yummy that I hope my parents will take me soon to Paris to try some more. Maybe I can go to Fauchon to taste the almonds one my abuela likes so much :-)

So, this is all from Thailand. Tomorrow we will take a very early flight to go back to Shanghai, but I am not sad... because on Monday I will be able to play with my friend Shelly again.

I hope you have enjoyed my posts and, to close this chapter I add here a very nice picture of the 3 of us at the beach.

Don't we look good?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Riding the waves

Sun, fun at the beach and a looong nap... can you think of a better plan? Today was a great day.

When I woke up at 6.30 am the sun was already shining. Not that my parents agreed... but a day like this couldn't be spent sleeping. The fun already started at breakfast because now, every day, I practice grabbing bread and fruit with my fingers and taking the spoon into my mouth. After that, we went directly to the beach.

The sea was a bit more calm today but still plenty of waves to play with ! We forgot my hat in the bedroom so I had to wear mom's hairband... which just made me look even cuter :-)

Finally I convinced my parents that I was strong enough to go and fight some waves... what do you think? Dad and I had a lot of fun and I jumped so high that the waves couldn't touch me... well, kind of, because in the end... my diapers were full of sand !

I liked it so much that I didn't want to leave so we stayed playing with the waves for nearly an hour. I am a tough cookie but, as you can imagine, by the time we returned to the pool I was more than ready for my 3.30pm nap. So, while I was dreaming of my future life as a professional surfer in Hawaii... my parents enjoyed a nice massage by the pool. Not a bad life.

Ah ! as you can see I managed to change mom's hairband for a nice red bandana... now I only need a Harley ! maybe in my next vacation trip?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kata Beach

Right in front of our room there is a beautiful beach.

White sand, blue warm water and some fishes too! Now that I know how to swim I would love to go into the water and play with the waves but it is monsoon time here and there are strong currents... I am pretty sure it would be ok because I can move my legs pretty fast but I don't want my parents to be worried so I just do what they say and stay close to them like a good boy :-)

Every day we go for walks on the beach and mom takes me with her in the sling so that I don't get too tired but, ey, don’t you think that I am a lazy boy… I also do some exercise and walk around to play with the waves!

It is a pity that we can't go and swim at the beach but the good thing is that the waves are pretty big so I enjoy a lot looking at them from our room and also from the pool.

Sometimes there are surfers and I really think they are very cool. Maybe one day I can also be like them.

As a start I already have a surf outfit so I look a bit like them and I think girls like it too because... they look at me quite a lot every time I wear it!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

About Thai Spirit Houses

In the hotel, very close to our room and facing the ocean, I was surprised to see a nice house painted in white and yellow. In the begining I thought it was there for children to play with because it also had little figures inside, but then someone told me that it is a Spirit House (san phra phum).

That sounded pretty scary but then I realized that it is actually a good thing. Spirit Houses are very common here in Thailand and people have them everywhere (in the houses, offices,...). They ask a Brahmin priest what is the best place to put it and then they decorate it and make food offers so that the spirits stay in the house. This way, spirits will be happy and will not make mean things to them.

You see the picture? is not that my parents wanted to offer me as food for the spirits... the truth is that I just wanted to grab the coconut !

But tomorrow, when we go for breakfast... I am planning to take one of this small cute bananas and I will bring it to the house so that the spirits are happy and don't get into my room at night. Just in case...

Monday, October 5, 2009

A day trip to Phuket

Not very good weather today so mom and dad wouldn't let me go to the pool, instead... we went for a day trip to the town of Phuket.

We took the hotel shuttle and, even though there was a very loud Swiss lady sitting next to me, I managed to have a nice nap :-)

We went for lunch to a great nice place where a lot of local people were eating. Dad was happy because he finally had good "chicken sate" and he ate the whole plate alone while mom was feeding me. I have to say she didn't look happy when she turned round and found only a bunch of empty sticks !

I liked the waitresses at the restaurant a lot (I think it is in my genes) and they even took me to the kitchen ! it was my first time in a Thai kitchen and it really smelled very well. I think that, when I am older, I am going to like Thai food a lot !

Just outside of the restaurant there was a very nice building with many bright colors and figures. There was a very strong smell in the air and my parents told me that it was incense (I still like better the smell of the kitchen at the restaurant).

And, outside of the temple, I made another friend. Is not that I have seen many monks before.... but this one looked really cool, don't you think?

After that we went to a couple of shops and mom bough two pairs of very nice traditional Thai fisherman trousers. Unfortunately they didn't have my size... I will have to get some tailor made soon !

Sunday, October 4, 2009

ต้อนรับ ไปสู่ ประเทศไทย (Welcome to Thailand)

Yesterday we arrived to Thailand and we are going to stay here till next Sunday. Vacation !!!!

We are staying at the Katathani, a very nice hotel in Kata Beach. The place is great because it is just in front of the beach, it has nice pools, a lot of palm trees and very nice mini bananas at the breakfast buffet.

Our room is also very nice and I can see the ocean from my crib. But the best of all... is the little surprise who welcomed us when we arrived. Do you nlike my new elephant-friend?

I think this is going to be a great week and my parents and I are going to have a lot of fun. I will write again soon to tell you more about our time in Thailand.

Friday, October 2, 2009

A day in Century Park

Yesterday was raining a lot but today was beautiful and we spent the day in Century Park. It is the biggest park in Shanghai and we are very lucky because it is just a 5 minutes walk from home.

There is a very big lake with rowing boats, an amusement park, fields with sunflowers and many nice ponds with bridges and "nenufares". I really wanted to take one of the boats but I can't row yet so daddy has promised to row me around one day before it gets too cold :-)

As this is a vacation week there were maaaaany people in the park. A lot of families brought their lunch and had picnics sitting on the grass with blankets, a bit like the Spanish way but... without tortilla !!! It is funny because many of them had camping tends with them and I suspect that after lunch they went inside for a little siesta... not bad , uh?

Inside the park we found a great bonsai exhibition. In the begging I didn't know what a bonsai was but I was very happy because it was the first time I had seen trees as tall as me. I really liked them and I think we are going to get one for home so that I can take care of it.

At the bonsai garden we met a beautiful Chinese lady who was posing for pictures dressed in traditional clothes. She was very pretty and I liked her dress very much.

I think it is very common here for people to spend a whole day going to different places of the city and taking professional pictures with traditional clothes. Mom and I really want to do it too... wouldn't be fun to have cool pictures like this one?

Somehow I think that we will have to work hard on dad to convince him ...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Celebrating China

Today is the National Day and China celebrates 60 years of PRC's founding (People Republic of China). As I dictate this blog to my mom, I am watching the Tiananmen Square's parade from Beijing in telly. I am really enjoying it because there are a lot of bright colours, music, and people marching down the square. I think my abuelo would have also enjoyed it because there were many soldiers, planes and tanks too ! "This is a proud day for the nation and the world"... people in telly are saying a lot of very nice things about the country so I am sure that Chinese will feel very happy and proud. I just heard that there were more than 100.000 people participating in the non-military parade only ! wow, that's a lot of people...

Yesterday we could also see beautiful fireworks from the balcony.... and they lasted more than an hour ! People were stopping their cars on the road to see them so there was a bit of chaos but they were really pretty (and loud).

This week China is also celebrating the Moon Festival, when family and friends gets together to look at the full moon and eat the traditional mooncakes (in the picture). I have not tried yet the mooncakes but they look really cool. I think I will try one next year when I have my brand new teeth.

And this is all from Danielcito, broadcasting from Shanghai. On Sunday we are going to Thailand for a well deserved vacation. I will go now and start packing my swimming diapers !

Friday, September 25, 2009


Hello again,

I really love living in Shanghai but one of the things I miss the most is spending time with my family in Spain and Germany. So... every time I have a chance... I talk to them on Skype ! I really like doing that and not only because I love grabbing the camera and biting the cable... but also because I can show them my new life here and all the many things that I am learning.

Last weekend we had a lot of fun because I could talk to all of them at the same time ! Oma, opa, el abuelo, la abuela... we laughed a lot because daddy was playing with me and mom helped me walk on top of the bed. I think they were really impressed with my newly acquired skills and now they all think that I am a BIG boy. Of course, having 2 cameras and 2 cables to grab was also a plus :-)

And I am a big boy indeed... if you don't believe me watch me with my new toy ! I really love it... has a lot of buttons and, when I touch them,... they make a lot of noise so I am not sure my parents like it so much after all. But I do. I think the bike also has wheels so very soon I will send you a picture of me riding it at the park. I bet you won't be able to catch me !

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Trip to Xinchang

On Saturday morning, after a 40 minutes nap in the car, we arrived to Xinchang. In the begining it looked like any other city but, suddenly, we were in the middle of a very old and authentic water village. There are several canals that run through the town and stone bridges that cross it. Next to the water there are very old houses.

I think we were the only tourists and, as we walked through the streets, people got out of the houses and threw curious looks to us but then, when we said "Ni Hao" (hola) to them... they started smiling a lot ! Was very funny because generally we are the ones taking pictures and looking at things but I think this time we were the center of attention ! This is a picture of a friend of mine and his granny. She was very nice and came out of the house so that we could play together a bit.

For lunch my parents took me to a very nice and old tea house by the canal. They had a green tea and a lot of nice things to nibble (nuts, fruit, dumplings, nuddles with green things, sweets,...). Daddy didn't like the tea (he was making funny faces like when he drinks anis) but I think they enjoyed the lunch very much. I just ate my "papilla" and couldn't try any of the local goodies but at least they let me practice a bit with the sticks !

Here you have a picture of me and dad at the tea house. Isn't the red balloon nice? I tried to grab it several times but I wouldn't reach :-(

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Work hard.... play hard !

Today I have gone to the playground for the first time. There is a big pool full of plastic balls with many colors. I was kicking all of them but mom and Shelly wouldn't let me eat them....

I also played with 2 new friends.... both girls ! One of them is Chinese and the other one is American like me. Her parents live in our same building so I think we are are going to see each other again.

And.... don't you think I look cute with my Bayern jacket? In reality I support Deportivo but daddy is so happy every time I wear it... and... is a present from my friend Leo in Neumarkt ! so I think this winter I will wear it a lot.

I think mom and dad are planning a lot of cool stuff for this weekend so I'll keep you posted !

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Yu Gardens

Yesterday was a great day ! My parents wanted to sleep but I decided to wake them up very early :-) and we went to a beautiful place in the old part of Shanghai.

Yuyuan Garden, 豫園, ("Peaceful Garden") was built already 400 years ago and it looks very traditional with nice old houses, pretty trees and many small ponds... with a lot of orange fishes ! In the end I think my parents were even thankful that I took them there so early because by 9.30am the place was already full with tourists ! It was not very peaceful with so many people but, still, I managed to have my 9am nap in mommy's sling.

We also had a lot of fun when we left the garden because right next to it there is a veeeeery big traditional bazaar with many many shops. You can find a lot of nice things ! Chinese clothes, paintings, tea, jade figures, local sweets... and three Starbucks ! (for a moment I thought I was back in Mount Kisco :-) I also so very nice dragons made of paper with a lot of colors and I already said that I want one for my room.

When we went home a truck arrived and I started to see many boxes in the house. For a moment I did not know what was happening and I was a bit sad because I though we were leaving... but then mami and dad explained that the rest of our things from the US had arrived. Good..... now I have all my diapers with me !

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Me, my bottle and other food stuff

I love drinking milk from my bottle and, now, as I am already a big boy, I can hold it myself without help.

Now I am also eating solid food. Mami and papa cook for me every week and they prepare yummi purees that I like a lot. I am also getting to know new food that I had never tried before... papaya, onion, ginger and.... garlic ! Dad says that I smell very bad after eating ajo but... I am Spanish after all so I am loving it :-)

I am also starting to eat with my fingers and you should see the table when I do it... what a mess... ha ha ha But I have a lot of fun and I think I will soon give the spoon a try.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Today I want to introduce you to a new friend of mine: Shelly.

Shelly is my "ayi " (nanny) and we have a lot of fun together. She is teaching me how to clap my hands, crawl and.... even to walk ! We play a lot together and we also go for walks to the park and meet with other children. I still don't understand what they say, but Shelly is talking to me in Chinese a lot so I think I will be able to do it very soon :-)

I am very happy to have Shelly as my new friend.