Monday, November 18, 2013

A great time in Germany ...

Is coming to an end ! 

Manuel and I have truly enjoyed the last 4 weeks here... We joined a kindergarten in Holzeim,... played with our friends Toni, Julia & Leo,.. Spent a whole week with Marcel,.. Went to visit Herbert,... Made lanterns for Saint Martin,... Went to the train museum,... And saw the kasperl theatre !!! 

So, we are happy Bayern kids but are now ready to take our flight to Beijing. As you can imagine, after so much activity... We will sleep like little angels !!!

Friday, November 1, 2013

A second summer in La Coruña !!!

So while mom and dad where busy packing all our toys in boxes,... Daniel and I went the abuelitos to La Coruna. 

We had a great time and the weather was so good that it felt as I we were enjoying a second summer! I wonder why sad say that it always rains in La Coruna ?????

We spent in La Coruna nearly a month which seems a lot but went really really fast. Probably because we had a blast going to the playground with the abuelos, riding out bike with kaki, playing with Fifi and Xulia and, of course, making some visits to Bonilla !!!! We also went to the Aquarium and spent time with good friends like Pablo & nuky.

Mom joined us for the last two weeks and dad also came by for some days. And now... On our way to Germany !!! But, guess who are the pilots?