Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas !

An finally it was Christmas ! We had hope for some snow but, far from being disappointed, Manuel and I got really into preparations to make sure the house would be properly decorated. Half German as we are, this is not a task to take lightly so... as you can see, we performed as real professionals.

On Christmas Eve mom & dad were a bit ill so it was not as great as it should but most of the family was here so we had a lot of fun ! Only Tio Kaki and Tia Fifi could not make it and we missed them a lot but I am sure we will see them soon !


Christmas party @ school

This year I have really enjoyed the Christmas party at school. We all got dressed in our outfits and went on stage ready to give it all. As you can see in the video we sang "Jingle Bells" as if there was no tomorrow so, after such a stunning performance,  Santa in person came to congratulate us and gave us some presents. Super !

Arts, Crafts & a bit of sport !

The last weeks of the year have been very busy for Daniel and I. We had a couple of serious painting sessions with our friend Albert and... of course, we continued with our swimming lessons. Of course, with so much activity we needed to fit a power nap here and there....


I know. Manuel and I have been terribly lazy during the last couple of months and have not posted anything for a looooong time. BUT, we can't let the year end without giving you some highlights, right?

Let's start with the Halloween party back in November. We really had a blast with a great party @ the Little Mole. Manuel was the cutest pumpkin in the block and me.... well, have you ever seen a more charming pirate?

Monday, November 19, 2012

La Coruna here I come !!!

As I am a big boy this week I am going to la Coruna alone with mom !

We are going to stay there a full week and I am very happy because I am looking forward to seeing the abuelitos and the tios.

Did you know that we have to take two planes? We will stop in Barcelona. It is a long trip but I have promised to take care of mom and be a good boy :-)

You see? We are already having loads of fun playing cards in the plane! Needless to say after a while.. I was ready for my nap.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Feliz Cumpleaños Maminka !!!

Today is a special day because it is mom's birthday so Manuel, Dad and I have worked very hard to surprise her.

This morning we got up very very early ( no surprises there :-) and the three of us went to a nice bakery here in town while mom was sleeping. We bought a great cake, croissants and pain ay chocolate and went back home to wake mama up.

We had a great time blowing the candles and singing "happy birthday". Have to say that Manuel is very good at that :-)

Then we went to a nice place by the river to feed the swans and the ducks.had a little incident when one of the swans bit my finger to get the bread but, other than that, we had a great time !!!

We love you maminka. Happy birthday from your boys (the 3 of them) !!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Breakfast with uncle Torben

Yesterday we had a great surprise... Uncle Torben is in town and he came to stay with us !!!

We played so much that Manuel did not want to go to bed and this morning we both went to wake him up and to tickle his feet.

But he is a real trooper and was not upset !!! Then we had a nice breakfast and continued playing non stop. Did you know that uncle Torben and auntie Anja are going to have TWO babies very soon????

They are going to be great dads and... When they get too tired... Manuel and I will go and give them a hand :-)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday afternoon @ Kotva

Today was the classical lazy Sunday ... We went for lunch with our friends Roberto & Javier and had a very loooooong nap.

By the time we got up we were ready to rock again... Literally !!!

But, hey, as you can see we are not the only ones who had a lazy day :-)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

What a Saturday !!!

If Manuel and I suspected this was going to be a special weekend... Saturday has already met our expectations !!!

We kicked off the day welcoming the first snow of the year. It hasn't stopped snowing the whole day so you should see Oma's garden now... All white !

Then we went to Playmobiland and we spent the whole day playing... Castles... Planes... Zoo... But the best of all was having Adri, Alana, Guillermo and Aurelia with me. That was a real
surprise :-)

Then we went to Nuremberg to see Farisha, my friends Daniel, Noah and Leah. She is just 3 months old but already a real trooper.

And then.. We want to have some pizza with my friends Toni, Leo and Julia. As you can imagine I am rather exhausted so I better go to bed and get some rest because if tomorrow is half as exciting as today....

Friday, October 26, 2012

Morning Telly bei Oma's

Yes. Today we are going to Playmobiland so yesterday we came to Neumarkt !!!!

Manuel and I have the feeling this is going to be a special weekend :-)

So with all this excitement it is no surprise we woke up so early, right? Luckily Oma and Opa are a bit more permissive than mama and we are allowed to watch Telly ... Don't tell her !!!!

Pool & dinner

Last Wednesday Adri and I had swimming lessons. It was a lot of fun and, as we were very good kids, mom & Tatiana took us for dinner to Mac Donald's.

I loved my nuggets, the fries and the fruit but, what I liked the most was drinking my juice with the straw... Loved the noise !!!! :-)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fruehstueck !!!

You would expect me to have a bottle of milk for breakfast, right? Not in Germany !!!!

Semmeln, leberkaese, breztl mit butter and plenty of other goodies :-)

Weekend in Neumarkt

Just arrived to Oma und Opa house. We are going I spend the weekend here so both Manuel and I are really happy.

It was a long trip though because it was raining a lot so we are a bit tired. Manuel is already in bed and me... A book and off to bed too !!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Playtime with Adri

Adri & Andrea came home last Tuesday for a playdate and they brought something really cool... a drawing map !!! So Adri, Manuel and I wasted no time and got hands on the job right away :-) We had a great time and I was really impressed with Manuel's painting skills. He is a real artist!

Adri also stayed for dinner because her dad was on a business trip in Poland so mom made Chinese dumpling for everyone. Yummy yummy for my tummy !

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Eli's birthday

Today we have come to Novy Bryzdov to celebrate Eli's birthday with her family and her friends.

We are having a lot of fun playing tennis, soccer, running around like crazy and eating a lot. We thought nobody ate and drunk as much as in Germany but... Czechs win !!!

Mom is training hard with schnapps and next time she meets uncle Albert he will not have a chance :-)

Is great to be here and everybody Is really nice. Specially Eli's grandma who Manuel kept kissing all the time !!

Happy birthday Eli !!!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Tarzan of Prague !!!

On Wednesday I went again to the swimming pool. Manuel could not come because he was coughing a bit so he stayed home.

Mom was not thrilled with the German style of my swimming trousers (whyyyy????) but she still made a nice picture of me so... Here you go !