Tuesday, May 31, 2011

School is over !

And... while Manuel is busy picking cool outfits... don't you think that I am just scratching my belly....

I have been very busy training hard for the end of school performance ! So, today, we invited all parents to the school gym so that they could watch all the nice things we can do.

In the beginning I was a bit nervous so when I cam e in and saw mommy I kind of cried a little. But, hey ! I am a tough guy after all so I quickly got it together and got focused. After all... SHOW MUST GO ON !!!

The performance was about the jungle so we all sang together about the different animals who live there.

The elephant,... the lion,.... the monkeys,....

The guys from preschool played the key role but then my class stood up and showed the audience how fun caterpillars can be. Do you like our green and yellow outfits?

It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed singing with my friends Guillermo, Camille, Albert, Cis,....

Of course, we got a great ovation so... after so much hard work, we had to go out to the playground to celebrate. And what can be better than celebrating with a chocolate cake?

Yummmyyyy !!!!

Do you want to see more? have a look at this video

Dressed for success

June is going to be a very important month because I will go to Spain !

Mom, dad and Daniel are telling me all nice things I will be able to do and all the great people I will be able to meet so I am already a bit nervous and very excited about the trip.

This is my first time there and I definitively want to make an impact so, as dad always says that in La Coruna they are a bit "pijos", I am already getting my wardrobe ready for the occasion.

What do you think?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Onkel Klaus, Tante Jessie un Vetter Marcel

Last Saturday I had a great surprise when I woke from my nap: Onkel Klaus, Tante Jessie und Vetter Marcel had come all the way from Augsburg to visit us !!!!

We had a lot of fun because during the afternoon we went to a festival.

It is like the world famous Volkfest but a bit smaller.... plenty of things to do and.... sweets to eat too :-)

At first I was a bit overwhelmed because of so much noise, so many lights and, as they like to say in Bavaria... so viel loss !!! but then I kind of got used to it and I was happy as a bunny.

I just can't understand how did Manuel managed to sleep all the time with so much going on !!! this guy is a real marmota :-)

And, as an end of party, Marcel and I had our reward: an ice cream !

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Deutschland here we come !

On Friday, mom picked me up with Manuel from the kindergarten. I was a bit suspicious because the car was really full of things but... when we went directly to pick up papa at work... then I knew something good was in store for the weekend !

Deutschland here we come ! Then off I went for a nice nap to dream of the nice things we would do during the weekend and the great time I would have with Oma and Opa.

I was so happy to see them again... But we didn't stay long at home because as soon as I arrived I had my first surprise. We went to the house of Otmar & Andrea for a nice BBQ !

Otmar & Andrea are old friends of papa and they have two kids: Leo and Tony. And also Micha and Hane were there with their daughter Julia. Leo, Tony and Julia are a bit older than me but, as you can see from the picture, we had a lot of fun together.

We drove around with the kinderwagen,... I gave a go to a big boys bike.... and ate plenty of wurst !!!!

As mom, Manuel and I are staying here is Neumarkt till Wednesday (yupiiiiii !!!!) I will go back to Otma's house on Monday so that Leo, Tony, Julia and I can play a bit more. Can't wait :-)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Jump jump jump

Today is Monday and, even though Mondays don't seem to be too popular, I do like them a lot.

Yes, of course I am sad that the weekend is over because I enjoy spending time with mom & dad so much but I also have a lot of fun @ the kindergarten so.... Monday.... yupyyyyyy !!!!

I have already told you several times about how cool my kindergarten is and the many things we do there: painting with the hands, exploring the park, planting flowers to celebrate spring, playing with sand....

But another thing that I like (and that's also another reason why Mondays rock) is that in the afternoon they open the playground and I meet there with all my friends to play and have a laugh.

Today I went there and did something that I had never done before: JUMP on the elastic bed ! Have you ever done that? looks pretty scary in the beginning but I can assure you that it is real fun !

It is even better when it is several of us in there and we jump against each other but, that's boy stuff so I guess I will leave it at that or mom will not take me there anymore :-)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Ladies night out

Last Wednesday I went to bed like any other night but somehow I could feel that mom was specially keen on it.... and she also looked even prettier than usual... mmmmm, should I have suspected something????


The day after, talking to my friends at school I happened to find out that had a similar experience. All moms had gone out for dinner. And not just to any dinner: "A true Ladies Night Out" !!!

I am sure they had a good time gossiping about us :-) Well... good for them ! after all, is not all going to be about kindergarten and diapers, uh?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Czech me out !

What do you think about my new spot?

After my feeds I love laying down on my blue chair for a nap (I am half Spanish after all !!!). I specially like this corner of the house... not only because I have great views of Prague but also because I am next to my brother Daniel and I can keep an eye on him while he is playing.

I am really amazed by how many cars he has !!! Can't wait to be a bit older so that we can play together.

Have you noticed that he has a picture of me on the window right next to a Big Brother certificate? isn't that cute???

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A kiss for Manuel... a kiss for mom !!!

Dear mami,

you always say that as Mother Day is different in Germany and in Spain everybody misses both dates and you never get congratulated so...

Manuel and I want to say HAPPY MOTHERS DAY !!!!

Thank you for the cuddles, the nice meals, the bedtime stories, the nappies changes and all the love you give us.

We love you too.